Brands That Got Inclusive Marketing Right



The term "inclusive marketing" describes advertising methods, approaches, and technological advancements that seek to foster a feeling of acceptance, diversity and inclusion within, frequently for those who belong to social or demographic groups who are viewed as underrepresented, protected by law, or underserved. It entails conveying to consumers that the brand or business respects and values individual diversity.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are the three main tenets of inclusive marketing. Representing a wide variety of identities, such as those related to color, ethnicity, gender, age, ability, etc., is referred to as diversity. Equity is breaking down obstacles to achievement in order to provide equal access and opportunities. Acknowledging a range of lived experiences, utilizing various viewpoints, and cultivating a feeling of community are all components of inclusion.

What Are the Good Examples?

These are a few excellent instances of inclusive marketing initiatives.

Procter & Gamble

In the 2018 Emmy-winning P&G commercial "The Talk," black women are shown as needing to have "the talk" with their kids about racism and other forms of bigotry that they may encounter in the future. It was a component of their inclusiveness-promoting "Black is Beautiful" and "Proud Sponsor of Moms" campaigns.


Google has stressed that diverse marketing encompasses age, region, financial class, jobs, skills, and sexual orientation in addition to gender and skin color. The advertisements seek to convey this comprehensive perspective on diversity.


In its "We All Win" Super Bowl commercial for 2019, Microsoft highlighted their Xbox Adaptive Controller, which is intended for players with impairments. It showed children with physical limitations utilizing and profiting from the accessible product in an honest manner.


Following the release of Coca-Cola's iconic "Hilltop" commercial in 1971, which featured a diverse group of individuals singing in unison, the company received over 100,000 letters complimenting its inclusiveness. An early, well-known example of inclusive marketing is this one.


An advertisement featuring a same-sex couple sharing Christmas with family was featured in Etsy's 2020 "Gift Like You Mean It" holiday campaign, which addressed LGBTQ+ representation.


Dove challenged limited beauty standards and promoted body positivity by showcasing women of various ages, shapes, and sizes in its Campaign for Real Beauty.

These inclusive marketing examples are successful because they truly reflect a range of viewpoints, steer clear of stereotypes, encourage a feeling of community, and provide underrepresented groups with a sense of visibility and worth.

Here are a few more noteworthy instances of companies using inclusive marketing to great effect.

1. The "#LikeAGirl" campaign from Always pushed back against gender stereotypes by demonstrating how the term is insulting and empowering females to maintain their self-assurance.

2. To accommodate a range of skin tones, Rihanna's inclusive makeup line Fenty Beauty was introduced, with an unparalleled 40 colors of foundation.

3. To encourage diversity in sports, Nike has included athletes of all abilities in its advertisements, such as runners who have lost limbs and athletes wearing headscarves.

4. Sephora's "Bold Beauty for the Transgender Community" initiative provides free in-store instruction for transgender people on confidence and cosmetics application.

5. Microsoft showcased inclusive product design in its 2019 Super Bowl commercial, which featured kids with impairments use their adaptable Xbox controllers.

6. To provide better service to clients who are hard of hearing or deaf, Starbucks opened "Signing Store" locations with staff members who are fluent in American Sign Language.

7. Gender-neutral Creatable World dolls by Mattel let children personalize the dolls' hair, outfits, and accessories without adhering to conventional gender roles.

8. To encourage racial inclusivity from an early age, Crayola introduced Colors of the World crayons, which reflect over 40 different skin tones worldwide.

Authentic representation across racial, gender, ability, age, and body types, debunking preconceptions, and creating goods and services that are really accessible to a wide range of consumers are the main components of these more inclusive brand campaigns.

Any Bad Examples?

"Pride Packs" of Skittles.

For Pride Month in 2017, Skittles produced limited-edition "Pride Packs" with all-white, colorless sweets. The goal was to symbolize the colors of the LGBTQ+ pride flag uniting as one. Nonetheless, a lot of young people still thought the all-white candies were insensitive and unsatisfactory, unintentionally linking "white" to "pride". Later, Skittles changed the pattern to grey candy, which was well-liked.

The "Woke" advertisements from CIA Headquarters

After putting out a slew of uncomfortable ads in an effort to seem "woke" and inclusive, the CIA received criticism. Many people felt that one advertisement, which showed an undercover cop exploiting her intersectional identities to fit in, trivialized important concerns. Another advertisement that featured a millennial police officer refusing to use gender pronouns received flak for being outdated.

These illustrations demonstrate how inclusive marketing campaigns may backfire if they seem fake, ignore the group they are attempting to represent, or seem to be cynically exploiting social problems without any sincere comprehension or dedication. To do an inclusive marketing campaign well, one must conduct thorough research, collaborate with the communities that are represented, and stay away from preconceptions.

Why Practise Inclusive Marketing?

There are various reasons for brands whose core values are based on social responsibility.

1. It depicts both the real world and the diversity of their clientele. Brands demonstrate their understanding and appreciation of their varied clientele by showcasing individuals from a range of different backgrounds. Stronger ties and brand loyalty result from this.

2. By appealing to a wider spectrum of consumers, including formerly underrepresented groups that are gaining greater purchasing power, it enhances sales and return on investment.

3. Consumers are more inclined to purchase from and refer businesses that, by genuine representation, give them a sense of being seen, heard, and appreciated.

4. Inclusive marketing promotes good social change toward greater equality and understanding by dispelling prejudices and preconceptions.

5. Companies are perceived as progressive, socially conscious, and in line with customer ideals on diversity and inclusivity, which improves brand reputation.

6. More successful inclusive marketing tactics are made possible by a varied and inclusive workforce, which provides a deeper understanding of the brand's broad consumer base.

7. When consumers believe a company truly understands and supports them, they are more likely to be loyal to it and to form strong emotional bonds with it.

8. Because customers are more interested when they see themselves represented, inclusive advertisements outperform non-inclusive ones by 25%.

9. It gives marketers access to underutilized market segments by establishing a connection with audiences that rivals have disregarded or failed to reach.

Essentially, inclusive marketing strategy is a corporate approach that produces better outcomes by really reflecting and connecting with the variety of today's consumers, in addition to being a moral obligation.

Build Inclusive Campaigns with Diverse Teams

Having a workforce that represents the variety of today's society is essential to developing campaigns that are really inclusive. This is why having a varied workforce will revolutionize your marketing initiatives:

Extending Views

A varied crew offers a multitude of viewpoints. Understanding and accurately portraying the diverse perspectives of other groups depends on this. Diverse team members might offer insights into cultural quirks and particular client demands that could otherwise go unnoticed. This makes it easier to develop ads that have a deeper impact on a larger and diverse audience.

Improving Originality and Imagination

Innovation and creativity are fueled by diversity. When people with diverse backgrounds collaborate, they push past preconceived notions and challenge one another's presumptions. This results in more imaginative fixes and novel advertising concepts. Diverse teams are more likely to provide original ideas that can distinguish your company.

Establishing Truthful Representation

Genuine campaigns are necessary for inclusivity. Make sure that the representation in your advertisements is real and not simply for show by assembling a diverse marketing team. When it comes to whether your messaging and graphics feel genuine, team members who are from similar backgrounds to your target demographic can offer insightful input. By doing this, you may gain your audience's trust.

Avoiding Mistakes and Stereotypes

Making cultural blunders or unintentionally perpetuating preconceptions is a major danger in inclusive marketing. A diverse team is better able to identify these problems before they become known. You may spot and fix problematic aspects in your campaigns and make them inclusive and courteous by combining different points of view.

Creating Business Outcomes

Teams with diversity get superior business outcomes. Campaigns and marketing materials that are inclusive and resonate with a broad audience have the power to grow market share, foster greater engagement, and strengthen brand loyalty. Businesses that value variety are better able to comprehend and relate to their clientele, which boosts productivity and spurs expansion.

Collaborating with Diverse Communities and Influencers

Your marketing plan must include various groups and influencers if you want to develop campaigns that truly connect with your target audience. This partnership cultivates real connections and amplifies genuine and diverse voices, going above and beyond just surface involvement. Here's how you work with influencers and different groups in a successful manner.

Be Aware of Community Needs

It is critical to comprehend the unique requirements and preferences of various populations prior to engaging in collaborative efforts. To learn about their goals, struggles, and ideals, do extensive study. Interact with members and leaders of the community to develop relationships based on trust. This fundamental knowledge makes it easier to make sure that your advertising engage genuinely and address actual issues.

Identifying Authentic Influencers

Choosing the appropriate influences is essential. Seek out influencers that sincerely speak for and represent the populations you wish to engage. The key is authenticity; these influencers need to genuinely connect with their audience and have a history of meaningfully interacting with them. For a smooth and reliable collaboration, their voice and beliefs should coincide with yours.

Integrated Campaign Creation

Include community leaders and influencers in the campaign creation process. This partnership guarantees that the material produced is respectful of and sensitive to the values and culture of the community, in addition to being pertinent. Influencers may offer insightful commentary and suggestions that can be used to improve the messaging and creative components so that the intended audience is more likely to connect with them.

Enhancing Genuine Voices

Encourage influencers to express their personal narratives and viewpoints. Giving influencers the freedom to produce content in their own unique voices gives your campaign more legitimacy and authenticity. This strategy not only increases interaction but also shows how much your company values other viewpoints and experiences.

Assessing Influence and Involvement

Assess the effectiveness of your partnerships by gauging participation and influence. Keep an eye on metrics like sentiment, engagement rates, and reach to gauge how well your campaign is connecting with the intended audience. Make use of this information to strengthen your inclusive marketing initiatives going forward and to guide future partnerships.

Emerging Trends in Inclusive Marketing

As technology and society develop, inclusive marketing also has to adjust to be relevant. It is imperative for companies that want to truly engage with a wide range of people to stay ahead of these trends. These are a few of the most noteworthy new developments in inclusive marketing that are now influencing the field.


The concept of intersectionality, which was first used by Kimberlé Crenshaw, is increasingly important in inclusive marketing. It is emphasized by this idea that systems of discrimination and disadvantage are overlapping and interconnected for diverse groups of individuals. Companies are realizing more and more that identities are complicated, and inclusive marketing strategies need to take this complexity into account.

These days, campaigns are made to target several facets of identity at once, including ability, gender identity, sexual orientation, and race. By using this strategy, marketing initiatives are made to better represent the actual experiences of a wide range of consumers.

Authentic tales that showcase diverse people's intersecting experiences are being used by brands. Because these stories capture the nuanced realities of the audience's life, they have a deeper emotional impact.

Inclusive Design and Accessibility

Accessibility and inclusive design are now essential components of the marketing plan, not just afterthoughts. Companies are realizing how crucial it is to provide experiences and products that are usable by all, including those with impairments.

In order to ensure that as many people as possible can use products and services, regardless of their skills, universal design principles are being used in their development. This marketing strategy not only increases the clientele but also shows a dedication to diversity.

Websites and social media marketing material are increasingly using accessibility features like alt text, captions, and audio explanations. These characteristics guarantee that users with impairments can interact with the information.

Representation Beyond the Surface

In the marketing world, representation has evolved past token gestures. These days, brands are emphasizing meaningful and in-depth representation rather than just employing a variety of faces in their advertisements.

Rather of striving for a wide representation, businesses are concentrating on a more in-depth portrayal of certain groups. This entails respectfully and authentically presenting the distinctive features of their culture, difficulties, and accomplishments.

There is more to inclusive marketing than meets the eye. More and more brands are making sure that diversity exists in the teams that develop their ads and in the leadership that makes the big strategic choices.

Community Engagement

Direct community engagement is increasingly being considered a core component of inclusive marketing strategies. Companies are coming to understand that in order to be really inclusive, their campaigns must be developed and carried out with input from the communities they seek to represent.

Influencers and members of the community are co-creating campaigns with brands. By working together, the campaigns are made to be courteous, pertinent, and appealing to the intended audience.

Instead of launching one-time initiatives, corporations are encouraging constant communication with communities. In addition to fostering trust, this ongoing interaction enables firms to be aware of how their target audience's requirements and preferences are changing.

Purpose-Driven Marketing

Customers are searching more and more for businesses that represent something beyond financial success. A growing trend in marketing is purpose-driven marketing, which links a company's objectives with charitable causes.

Social concerns are becoming an integral part of brands' primary missions, and their marketing strategies reflect this. This involves promoting community development, environmental sustainability, and social justice efforts.

Customers want businesses to be open and responsible when it comes to their social influence. In response, brands are being transparent about their work and advancement toward social objectives.

Brands may make meaningful connections and promote good social change by embracing intersectionality, guaranteeing accessibility, encouraging real representation, interacting with communities, and committing to purpose-driven marketing. At Bolder, our mission is to support our clients in managing these new trends so they can develop more resilient, inclusive brands.

Are you ready to expand the reach of your marketing? Together, let's develop advertising and marketing campaignstrategies that connect with your target audience on a genuine and deep level.

Come along as we change the world, one inclusive campaign at a time. Contact us via or the contact form on our website.

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